(logic QF_UFIDL :smt-lib-version 2.6 :smt-lib-release "2017-11-24" :written-by "Clark Barrett, Cesare Tinelli" :date "2010-05-12" :last-updated "2015-04-25" :update-history "Note: history only accounts for content changes, not release changes. 2015-04-25 Updated to Version 2.5. 2011-06-03 Added :note field." :theories (Ints) :language "Closed quantifier-free formulas built over an arbitrary expansion with free sort and function symbols of the signature consisting of - all the sort and function symbols of Core and - the following symbols of Int: :sorts ((Int 0)) :funs ((NUMERAL Int) (- Int Int Int) (+ Int Int Int) (<= Int Int Bool) (< Int Int Bool) (>= Int Int Bool) (> Int Int Bool) ) Additionally, for every term of the form (op t1 t2) with op in {+, -}, at least one of t1 and t2 is a numeral. " :note "For historical reasons, the syntax of this logic is *not* an extension of QF_IDL's syntax. However, any formula in this logic with no free sorts and no free function symbol of arity > 0 can be converted into an equisatisfiable formula in QF_IDL. " )