(logic QF_UF :written_by {Cesare Tinelli} :date {08/04/05} :theory Empty :language "Closed quantifier-free formulas built over an arbitrary expansion of the empty signature with free sort, function and predicate symbols. Note that the formulas can contain term (resp., formula) variables as long as they are bound by a let (resp., flet) construct. Also, formulas in ite terms must be themselves quantifier-free. More formally, the language consists of the well-sorted closed formulas generated by the grammar obtained by replacing the rule for in the SMT-LIB concrete grammar with the rule: ::= | ( + * ) | ( let ( ) + * ) | ( flet ( ) + * ) " :notes "Since the theory Empty has just one symbol, the sort symbol U, all additional sort, function and predicate symbols used in benchmarks for this logic must be declared in the benchmarks themselves. " )