(logic QF_IDL :written_by {Cesare Tinelli} :date {07/04/05} :last_modified {30/05/05} :theory Ints :language "Closed quantifier-free formulas with atoms of the form: - (see SMT-LIB concrete syntax) - (op (- x y) c), - (op (- x y) (~ c)), - (op x y), or where - op is <, <=, >, >=, =, or distinct - x, y are free constant symbols, - c is 0, 1, or a term of the form (+ 1 ... (+ 1 1)) with n>1 ones. " :extensions "Sums (+ 1 ... (+ 1 1)) of n ones can be abbreviated by the numeral n. For instance, (+ 1 (+ 1 1)) can be abbreviated by 3. " )