(logic AUFNIRA :smt-lib-version 2.6 :smt-lib-release "2017-11-24" :written-by "Cesare Tinelli and Clark Barrett" :date "2010-05-12" :last-updated "2015-04-25" :update-history "Note: history only accounts for content changes, not release changes. 2015-04-25 Updated to Version 2.5. 2012-09-26 Clarified in :notes in what way AUFNIRA extendes AUFLIRA. " :theories (Reals_Ints ArraysEx) :language "Closed formulas built over arbitrary expansions of the Reals_Ints and ArraysEx signatures with free sort and function symbols. " :extensions "For every operator op with declaration (op Real Real s) for some sort s, and every term t1, t2 of sort Int and t of sort Real, the expression - (op t1 t) is syntactic sugar for (op (to_real t1) t) - (op t t1) is syntactic sugar for (op t (to_real t1)) - (/ t1 t2) is syntactic sugar for (/ (to_real t1) (to_real t2)) " :notes "This logic properly extends the logic AUFLIRA by allowing - non-linear (integer/real) operators such as *, /, div, mod, and abs, and - allowing terms with an arbitrary array sort (as opposed to just (Array Int Real) and (Array Int (Array Int Real)) ). " )